- Ability to relate to supervisory concerns of the program, the university, and parents;
- Ability to grasp and implement program policy and procedure;
- Maturity in judgment, self-discipline, and personal security;
- Personal discipline to work unsupervised under parameters provided;
- Ability to relate to rural project participants with diverse backgrounds;
- Two years of successful undergraduate work or two years of full-time work experience required;
- Experience in working with teenagers in a supervisory capacity;
- Experience in handling emergency situations in a calm, methodical manner.
The Upward Bound Night Supervisor is a part-time position responsible to the Upward Bound Residential Coordinator to provide a secure environment for the students and staff living in the residence hall during the summer session.
- To work in conjunction with the Residential Coordinator and his/her staff to assure a smooth nightly operation in the residence hall;
- To supervise the residence hall area such that unauthorized persons do not gain access to the building (i.e., periodic checks of building entrances);
- To supervise the residence hall area such that students do not exit their rooms or the building unnoticed (i.e., periodic checks to the floors/rooms to monitor noise or movement);
- To follow program policy and procedure in dealing with students and/or unauthorized persons;
- To develop appropriate professional relationships with students and staff;
- To anticipate potential hazards and act preventatively.